Course curriculum

  • 1
    Chapter 1: Prepare a bank download for upload into the accounting system
    • VBA for Accountants 01 Practical Purpose
    • VBA for Accountants 02 Record and Modify a Macro
    • VBA for Accountants 03 Record a Macro to Switch Columns
    • VBA for Accountants 04 Record a Macro to Clear the Source Data
    • VBA for Accountants 05 Record a Macro to Clear the Upload Data
    • VBA for Accountants 06 Record a Macro to Clear Entire Columns in the Source Data
    • VBA for Accountants 07 Record a Macro to Clear Entire Columns in the Upload Data
    • VBA for Accountants 08 Evolve the Clear macro for a table object
    • VBA for Accountants 09 Evolve the Column Switch macro for a table object
    • VBA for Accountants 10 Substitute named ranges for cell references
    • VBA for Accountants 11 Remove irrelevant cell formatting
    • VBA for Accountants 12 Create a control panel
  • 2
    Chapter 2 Prepare a fuel card download for upload into the accounting system
    • VBA for Accountants 13 Overview of fuel card import template
    • VBA for Accountants 14 Front-end techniques
    • VBA for Accountants 15 Populate the Date column
    • VBA for Accountants 16 Populate multiple columns
    • VBA for Accountants 17 Use a variable to populate a column
    • VBA for Accountants 18 Use a variable to delete rows
    • VBA for Accountants 19 Write a macro to clear import data
    • VBA for Accountants 20 Use a For-Next loop
    • VBA for Accountants 21 Test for new cardholders
    • VBA for Accountants 22 Substitute a variable for a fixed value
    • VBA for Accountants 23 Create a control panel